shiba swap

There are tons of BONES under the ground

Provide Liquidity to earn BONE.

Provide Liquidity



TBuy, Sell and Trade 10,000 unique Shiboshis.

Unique and only available on ShibaSwap. You do not want to miss this unique NFT drop!

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Shibas love to bury what they find.

Provide Stake your tokens to gain returns..

Stake Tokens



Tell your Shiba Inu to fetch new tokens

Swap your tokens for other tokens..

Swap Tokens



Vote on your favorite pair to receive BONE

Vote with tBONE

Pair Voting



Woof your returns

Stake SSLP & Claim Returns.

Farm Tokens!

What Is ShibaSwap?

ShibaSwap is a decentralized exchange (DEX) and a part of the larger Shiba Inu ecosystem. It was launched by the creators of the Shiba Inu token, a cryptocurrency inspired by the popular Dogecoin. ShibaSwap allows users to swap different tokens, provide liquidity for token pairs, and stake their tokens to earn rewards.

Key features of ShibaSwap include:

  1. Swapping: Users can trade various cryptocurrencies or tokens in a decentralized and peer-to-peer manner. They can exchange tokens directly through liquidity pools without relying on a centralized authority.

  2. Yield Farming: ShibaSwap offers yield farming opportunities where users can stake their tokens in liquidity pools to earn rewards in the form of additional tokens or fees generated by the platform.

  3. Staking: Users can stake their tokens in different pools to participate in the ecosystem and earn rewards, usually in the form of the native Shiba Inu tokens or other incentives.

  4. Leverage and Incentives: The platform often introduces various incentives, bonuses, and additional rewards to encourage liquidity provision and participation in the ecosystem.

ShibaSwap operates on decentralized finance (DeFi) principles, aiming to provide users with more control over their assets, enable permissionless trading, and incentivize participation through various reward mechanisms. However, users should be cautious and conduct thorough research before engaging in any DeFi platform due to potential risks associated with smart contract vulnerabilities, impermanent loss in liquidity provision, and market volatility.

What is bone shibaSwap (BONE) and doge killer (LEASH)?

Bone (BONE) and Doge Killer (LEASH) are additional tokens within the Shiba Inu ecosystem, created to expand the utility and offerings of the project.

  1. Bone (BONE): BONE is a governance token introduced as part of the ShibaSwap decentralized exchange ecosystem. Holders of BONE have certain governance rights, enabling them to participate in the decision-making process regarding the development and evolution of the ShibaSwap platform. It's used for voting on proposals and changes within the ecosystem. Users can acquire BONE by providing liquidity on ShibaSwap or participating in yield farming.

  2. Doge Killer (LEASH): LEASH was initially introduced as a rebase token pegged to the price of Dogecoin, with the aim of providing a different utility compared to the Shiba Inu token. It was initially designed as a reflection of the Dogecoin's price movements. LEASH was later incorporated into the broader Shiba Inu ecosystem to expand its offerings. Holders of LEASH may gain benefits or utility within the Shiba Inu ecosystem, including access to special features, incentives, or participation in specific pools or initiatives.

Both BONE and LEASH are additional tokens created within the Shiba Inu project to diversify its offerings, incentivize users, and provide governance or utility functions within the ecosystem. Users interested in these tokens should research their utility, tokenomics, and potential risks before participating in their acquisition or usage within the Shiba Inu ecosystem or associated platforms like ShibaSwap.

How ShibaSwap works

ShibaSwap is designed to facilitate swapping, liquidity provision, staking, and yield farming within the Shiba Inu ecosystem. Here's an overview of how ShibaSwap generally works:

  1. Swapping: Users can trade different tokens or cryptocurrencies on ShibaSwap. They can swap one token for another directly through the platform's user interface. To perform a swap, users select the tokens they want to exchange and specify the amount. ShibaSwap uses liquidity pools to facilitate these swaps, enabling users to trade without relying on a centralized authority.

  2. Liquidity Provision: Liquidity providers contribute funds to liquidity pools, which are used to facilitate trading on the platform. Users add an equal value of two tokens to a liquidity pool to create a trading pair. For providing liquidity, users receive liquidity pool tokens representing their share of the pool. They can earn fees generated from trades in the pool as well as other rewards.

  3. Staking: ShibaSwap allows users to stake  their tokens in various pools. By staking their tokens, users contribute to the ecosystem's liquidity and security. In return, they earn rewards, often in the form of additional tokens or a percentage of the fees generated by the platform. Staking provides an incentive for users to hold and participate in the ecosystem.

  4. Yield Farming: Yield farming involves users leveraging their assets to earn additional tokens as rewards. Users can stake their tokens in specific pools or perform other actions within the ShibaSwap platform to earn these rewards. Yield farming strategies may involve providing liquidity, staking tokens, or participating in other platform activities to maximize returns.

  5. Governance and Incentives: Tokens such as BONE (governance token) and LEASH (utility token) play roles within ShibaSwap. BONE holders have voting rights and can participate in governance decisions within the ecosystem. LEASH may offer certain utilities or benefits within the Shiba Inu ecosystem, providing incentives or access to specific features.

How to get started with ShibaSwap

To get started with ShibaSwap, follow these general steps:

  1. Set up a Wallet: You'll need a cryptocurrency wallet that supports Ethereum and ERC-20 tokens. Popular options include MetaMask, Trust Wallet, or Coinbase Wallet. Install your chosen wallet extension or app and create an Ethereum wallet.

  2. Get Ethereum (ETH): ShibaSwap operates on the Ethereum blockchain, so you'll need ETH to cover transaction fees (gas fees) when interacting with the platform. Purchase ETH from a cryptocurrency exchange and transfer it to your Ethereum wallet.

  3. Access ShibaSwap: Visit the ShibaSwap website (shibaswap.com) using a compatible web3 wallet (like MetaMask) connected to the Ethereum network. Ensure that you are using the correct and official website to avoid phishing scams.

  4. Connect Your Wallet: On the ShibaSwap platform, connect your Ethereum wallet (e.g., MetaMask) by clicking the "Connect Wallet" button or a similar option. Follow the prompts to connect your wallet to the ShibaSwap interface.

  5. Understand the Interface: Familiarize yourself with the ShibaSwap interface. You'll find options for swapping tokens, providing liquidity, staking, and accessing different pools.

  6. Swapping Tokens: To swap tokens, select the tokens you want to exchange, enter the amounts, and review the transaction details. Confirm the swap and approve the transaction through your connected wallet.

  7. Provide Liquidity: If you want to provide liquidity to the platform, navigate to the "Liquidity" section. Choose the token pair you wish to provide liquidity for, and follow the instructions to add your tokens to the liquidity pool.

  8. Staking and Yield Farming: Explore the staking options and available pools on ShibaSwap. Stake your tokens in the desired pools to earn rewards. Similarly, explore yield farming opportunities if you're interested in maximizing returns by leveraging your assets.

  9. Consider Governance Tokens: If you're interested in participating in the governance of the ShibaSwap ecosystem, consider acquiring and holding governance tokens like BONE, which might allow you to participate in voting and decision-making processes.

  10. Stay Informed and Secure: Keep yourself updated on the latest developments, security best practices, and potential risks associated with using decentralized finance (DeFi) platforms like ShibaSwap. Be cautious of scams and ensure you're interacting with the legitimate ShibaSwap platform.

Is ShibaSwap safe?

As of my last knowledge update in January 2022, ShibaSwap, like other decentralized exchanges (DEXs) and decentralized finance (DeFi) platforms, operates on the Ethereum blockchain using smart contracts. While the developers of ShibaSwap have taken measures to enhance security and functionality, it's essential to understand that no system is entirely risk-free, and there are potential risks associated with using ShibaSwap:

  1. Smart Contract Risks: Smart contracts are the backbone of DeFi platforms like ShibaSwap. They are code-based and immutable once deployed, making them vulnerable to bugs or vulnerabilities. Exploiting these vulnerabilities could lead to financial losses.

  2. Impermanent Loss: Providing liquidity to decentralized exchanges exposes users to impermanent loss. This occurs when the value of the tokens in a liquidity pool changes relative to holding the tokens outside the pool, resulting in potential loss of value.

  3. Market Volatility: Cryptocurrency markets are highly volatile. Prices of tokens can fluctuate significantly in short periods, affecting the value of assets held or earned on ShibaSwap.

  4. Scams and Phishing: Always ensure that you are using the official ShibaSwap website (shibaswap.com) and avoid phishing sites or scams that might impersonate the platform to steal funds or personal information.

  5. User Error: Mistakes in transactions, such as sending tokens to the wrong address or selecting incorrect options, can result in the loss of funds.

To enhance safety when using ShibaSwap or any DeFi platform:

  • Use official and verified links or websites to access the platform.

  • Only invest what you can afford to lose.
  • Conduct thorough research and understand the platform's functionalities, risks, and terms.
  • Secure your wallet and private keys.
  • Consider diversifying investments rather than putting all funds into a single platform or token.

It's crucial to stay informed about updates, security best practices, and any news or changes related to ShibaSwap Exchange or the broader DeFi space. New security measures and enhancements might have been implemented since my last update, so staying updated with the latest information is important for making informed decisions about using ShibaSwap or any DeFi platform.